
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our Quality Time

The last post I had posted on was spending Quality time with your spouse. Well my wonderful husband and I have a fire pit outside and decided that we could spend a few hours out by the fire. He has been wanting to do this for at least a week. He knows that when we sit outside by the fire we can talk for hours and relax.

Well he was right! lol It was an hot earlier that day and was wondering if it was going to cool off a bit for us to really enjoy the fire. Then night time fell and it was just perfect to have one.
I tucked Dawson in bed and Derek went out started the fire we grabbed a glass of wine and just relaxed. Where we live its very quite so it was us, the fire and nature. Very peaceful and much needed couple time. But in those 2 hours of just sitting there talking to one another we connected and talked about things we needed to get off our chest. Its was amazing. I realized that life is what we make of it and life can slow down if YOU make the TIME.
Who knows what holds tomorrow. Did you spend time with the ones you love or did you let life and hectic schedules rule your life?


Lesa Antone said...

Thank you for this reminder. Since I started my own home business, I know my husband feels a little neglected...gotta work on that!

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and I will see you in the MBC!

Merissa said...

Thanks Danielle for the reminder! We too often get so busy, we forget to nourish our marriage - which makes a strong family! We have a spot for our small bonfires - love the idea of having this once the children are tucked into bed!

Debbie's L'Bri said...

MY husband and I spent some much needed time this last weekend. It was nice to connect again.

Debbie's L'bri skincare blog

L'Bri is an aloe based skincare program. Most company's first ingredient is water. In our skincare products aloe is the first ingredient. Aloe is very healing to the skin.

Crystal said...

Following back from MBC!
Actually the Colts are the only other team I'll root for

Joy@TPMG said...

I love our fire pit. We are more likely to sit on the couch than outside though since it has been so hot.

Roodlyne said...

I will definitely work on that while my kids are away. Thanks for the reminders

CraftGirlAlli said...

I want a fire pit! Glad you got some quality time with your man! Mine's name is Derrek, too! And you're totally can always make the time to enjoy the little things!

Danielle said...

You all should buy a fire pit. Honestly we bought ours off of Ebay for $45.00. They cheap and so worth it!! We use it for all of our parties make smores!! said...

Hi there....sorry it took so long to respond. I was trying to help u enter our contest for giveaways if interested.
The twitter link works to tweet for the contest but for Networked Blogs on facebook the join spot block is along the sidebar
thanks so much

Carolee Hollenback said...

LOL- I work at home, too and it is hard to find quality time.

There is something about a fire that faciliates both relaxation and converstaion.

Oh, and romance :-)

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Paula said...

It's hard sometimes to stop and smell the roses. I am already your follower.

Paula@One Mom's Corner of the World

Anonymous said...

I must confess, I didn't get to spend much couple time with my husband yesterday. The nights before he has to work, for us, are typically pretty crazy. Between trying to catch up on housework and make sure he has enough clothes for work that week, and everything else a housewife must do, as well as spending time with my children. Since our son has Type 1 diabetes, and we need to do nightly midnight and 3am blood sugar checks, I typically try to get a nap after dinner before I have to wake up at 11pm to do the night shift blood sugar checks. He wakes me up around 11pm, I spend about 5-10 minutes with him before he has to fall asleep, then I get on the computer for the rest of the night (to help keep me awake! LOL), until my sons blood sugars seem to be OK enough for me to go back to sleep. So, typically, I am able to spend atleast 10 minutes alone with my husband every day (non-romantic couple time lol)

Victoria (Mommy Is Green) said...

I think time by the fire is so romantic! Sounds like you had a nice, peaceful time talking and relaxing.

Following your blog. :)

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