
Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Garden

When you work at home and have a toddler running around you really don't have time to do anything. Life is just crazy.
Here is something I have started every year to keep me centered. I plant a garden every year. My main reason is I am starting to eat healthy. I love to go out every morning and just tend to my garden. I usually plant green peppers, Baby watermelon, Squash usually its (Butternut) my favorite. I plant strawberries, tomato (I make homemade sauce) Fresh herbs.

My second reason for planting a garden is you save money. I love organic fruits and veggies and hate paying expensive prices at the stores so plant your garden. If I want something I haven't planted then I go and buy at my local Farmers Market. Support your local Farmers!!


Taryn McCracken said...

That's great! We've been planting a garden every summer for a few years now and every year it gets bigger. LOL My husband is the farmer, really. I help when I can. At the house this year, we're growing blue berries, raspberries, tomatoes, various peppers, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, herbs, onions and cucumber. At our other property, I think he's doing potatoes and pumpkins. Ha ha and we just started with tomatoes a few years ago. Last year, the deer got to our corn and watermelon first, so we're skipping that this year.

I love being able to save money on produce with what we plant ourselves. Our extended family benefits from our leftovers too. Plus, our kids learn a lot from it.

Anywho...Congrats on the garden! I found you through Cafemom btw. :) You can find me at

trooppetrie said...

I love your garden. We did not garden this year because DH is deployed but look forward to it next year

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