Most couples have high demands such as juggling a career, going to school, children, school activities, family time. I could give a huge list but you get the point.
With a full pact day this leaves very few hours to spend with your significant other.
Here are some tips that might help with everyday's busy schedules.
Everyone has house work and yes it has to be done. But why do most women have to do it? Men can help. Instead of thinking your spouse will not help ASK for it. Cook dinner together make it a fun time to talk about your day. Your weekend plans, family trips you make take in the near future. Fold laundry together yes it has to be done but there is time to sit and chat.
Most household someone goes to the gym make it a couple thing. Find a babysitter and go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week.
Get another couple to go out to dinner make it a double date where you have friends to chat with but yet also being with your spouse.
The more "Quality" time that you invest and make a priority the happier your relationship will be.
Simple things to daily that does mean a lot show interest in your partner, kiss one another, hug each other be appreciative.
Of course I can't leave out the bedroom scene. This is a must make time for Sex! This is your time to really connect with your partner. Enjoy one another. You have to have that physical intimacy it's important to keep your marriage and relationship alive.
So when was the last time you spent "Quality" time with your spouse or partner?
Here is your time to make time!